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Topic: Members

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Hi, thank you visiting my website I hope that you were able to find savings on computers and computer hardware. i Created these websites to help you save money, so now I need your help. For years I have been living as an obese person and I have to live with the pain and iless that comes along with it. But thanks to my determination and will, I found the strengtht to make a come back. Even tho I'm losing the weight now I still have a long way to go. I weighed over 495 lbs. and I was still gaining until the doctor toll me I had diabetes and I told myself if you don't stop this tread right now that you won't live to see your little girl grow up to be a young lady and right then something changed in me and I have been on the move every since. Listen Friends, I know what you're going through, but you need to listen to me you can over come your obesity if will it. Your will is your strength you just have to find enough will to care. My friends just look inside yourself and finf the will to love yourself again and then and only then can you find strength to move foward,  May God be with you! Make donattions here